Mission : Sustainable development at community, national and global level
Goal : Sustainable livelihoods in large numbers
The Development Alternatives family of organisations brings together traditional knowledge and modern science. We design appropriate technologies and institutions for the creation of sustainable livelihoods. Our activities focus on basic human needs: water, shelter, energy, sanitation, environmental resources and employment.
DAINET, our information network, gives access worldwide to our research and action programmes.
The Development Alternatives Group (or the "DA Group") comprises Development Alternatives and its associate organisations in India: namely, TARA (Technology and Action for Rural Advancement) and People First. It also includes their respective subsidiaries, Tara Nirman Kendra, Tara Leasing and Finance, and DESI Power. (A brief note about the DA Group).
Pour de plus amples renseignements en francais au sujet de nos activitées, cliquez ici
Find more information on DA's Sustainable Livelihoods initiatives
Tel: 91+11+685-1158, 696-7938, 66-5370, Fax: 91+11+686-6031
The Team behind this Webpage.
Document last updated on October 28, 1999.