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The Sankalpa Group’s communication and media wing.
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The Sankalpa Group’s communication and media wing.

A dream project of our Poet Laureate Founder President, the Late Subhas Mukhopadhyay was to start a Writers’ Guild - which would protect imaginative and revolutionary writers from the clutches of unscrupulous publishers.

It is not easy for creative people who happen to be ordinary to be able to publish their work and get them independently and impartially critiqued. How else can we judge the quality of our output? And yet, there are thousands of bright, young creative minds languishing in the cities such as Calcutta and throughout the region including the rural villages of India, whose genius cannot find expression, because the system is stacked against them ...

The primary objective of Sankalpa Publications is to provide a platform, particularly on the internet, for anybody who has something worthwhile to say, to come right out and publish their thoughts and work, unencumbered by protocol and free of economic concerns. Now, anyone who has heard of Sankalpa can send their work to us at and it will promptly be published on the internet, for the whole world to see and appreciate! Owzat!

Viva la vox populi

Sankalpa Publications specializes in the following:

§     eBooks: We design and produce eBooks for publishing on the Internet, primarily, and also for the mass dissemination of these products physically using CD-ROM technology as the medium;

§     Conventional Publications: In addition to eBooks, we also produce conventional books, newsletters and commercial publications;

§     Multimedia Center: As part of the ‘IT Center’, we will develop the capability to produce multimedia products, programs and edutainment products.


E-books are a very powerful tool for disseminating information, on the Internet, as well as through conventional media. There are many different things that one can do with an e-book.

Ebooks are completely interactive with the Internet and can contain live links, graphics, forms, video and more. They can be password protected and have built in search engines so your readers can find exactly what they are looking for. Our ebooks are self contained will not require any special utilities or plug ins, other than conventional browsers (like MS Internet Explorer or Netcsape) and Adobe Reader, which can be readily downloaded from the Internet.

Ebooks can be distributed in a number of ways: CD, floppy disk, download, etc.

Just one quality ebook development and distribution strategy can produce an ongoing promotional tool that will work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and multiply itself endlessly. These are some of the ways that an eBook can help you:

§     Sell Information or Entertainment: You can create an original product that costs nothing to produce or ship - and then sell it for any price you set.

§     Generate leads for your business: Giving away free ebooks is a great way to generate leads for your business. You can give away a short ebook packed with important information and collect visitors email addresses when they download the e-book. Also remember to provide contact information on every page of the e-book.

§     Create Traffic: E-Books can contain links to Internet sites including your own. If you give away free E-Books and give people permission to copy them, then they will spread. Every reader will know about your site, know that you are an expert on the subject of your E-Book, and many will come to you to buy your other products or services.

§     Keep information Secure: If you publish your info-product as a Microsoft Office, Text or HTML files - then you are leaving yourself wide-open to having your information copied or printed. However, if you publish your work in E-Book form, you simply don't have to worry - you decide whether the information can be copied and/or printed.

§     Uniqueness: With eBooks, you have something that's unique rather than being one of a thousand or ten thousand similar sites. Use this to your advantage, and it'll be much easier to market to the public, and get press and media attention.

Here are some ideas that sell well:

§     A copy of your website to be viewed offline (perfect for giving away at trade shows or anywhere else);

§     A full catalog, by allowing your visitors a copy of your catalog that they can view right on their desk top - you can even provide an order form to accept orders right through your eBook!

§     Product specifications or user manuals;

§     How-to-do-it's: Write your "How To" book to distribute freely. Require a password for most of the chapters. Require your readers to purchase the password to obtain the full version;

§     Your unpublished novel;

§     Your family photo album. Create photo albums for your family and friends quickly and easily!

§     Create an informational eBook to freely distribute and promote your web site.

§     Write a tutorial in the area of your expertise. Offer it as a free gift to gain new subscribers to your publication (be sure to include promotional ads in the eBook) - or sell it!

§     Thank a client for a meeting or send your favorite someone a birthday wish. Use your own artwork or photos to create truly personalized greetings!

Conventional Publications

We also support conventional publications, since there is an enormous market and need for these products.

Multimedia Center

It has been established that the best ‘branding’ strategy for popularizing our projects, products and services with rural folk is to sell our ideas to them through the medium of popular songs and music.

The first audio project is therefore to produce a ‘jingle’ on ‘Subhashgram’, the proposed ARTS SDC at Barasat, West Bengal.

Projects on the anvil

§     Production of a ‘cofee-table’ book accompanied by a CD-ROM focusing on the urban/rural divide.

§     Publication of a major socio-political novel entitled ‘Dev Kumar’ by Essem

§     Publication of a number of eBooks on the Internet and mixed media, including:

§     Bobby’r Bondhu, by Gita Bandopadhyay (translated into English by Sunita Biswas)

§     Amar Bangla, by Subhas Mukhopadhyay

§     The Tale of the Existential Relativist, by Essem

§     The More Things Change -- Part 1: Innocence Lost, by Essem

§     The More Things Change -- Part 2: Paradise Gained , by Essem

§     The Case of the Touch Artist , by Essem

§     Jontuder Plaza, by Essem

§     Dev Kumar, by Essem

The Tale of the Existential Relativist
by Essem
Jontuder Plaza
by Essem
From our Partners
RGB Grafix
Sankalpa Graphics Picture Gallery
About RGB Grafix

There is 'nothing' under the sun that we cannot reproduce in our digital painting studio; an indicative list of possibilities:
  • Photo restorations
  • Digital Artwork
  • Animations
  • Visualization
  • Multimedia producs
  • Internet services

For more information, see 'Standard Rates for Creative Solutions'

Watch this space for new 'news'!


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